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Continent Size:
24,474,000 sq km
9,449,460 sq miles

Percent of Earth's Land: 16.5%

Population: 481,212,000
"World Details"

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north america


North America, the 3rd largest continent, includes Canada, Greenland, Mexico, the United States, all the countries of Central America and the island countries and dependencies of the Caribbean.

The continent's (highest point) is Mt McKinley, in Alaska, at 20,322ft (6,194m), while the (lowest point) is Death Valley in California, at 282 ft (86m) below sea level.


arrow North America (Continent Map) here!

arrow North America (Continental Divide Map) here!

arrow North America (Landforms Map) here!

arrow North America (Rivers Map) here!

arrow North America (Name the Country Map Test) and the answers here!

arrow North America (Continent Outline Map) (black and white) here!


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Suggested Links

arrow North America, hotels and lodging Simple to use site with instant online bookings here!

arrow North America (Country Currency)
conversion rates here!

arrow North America Cities (major) here!

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all countries, islands. provinces and states here!

arrow Hawaii Is it part of North America? The answer is here!

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